The Serra da Leba Road near Lubango (Huíla, Angola).
This is Serra da Leba, a landmark in Angola. A road built in the 70's, it's been in the country's postcard images for decades, but all shots were taken by day. I wanted something different and tried a night shot. But it seemed impossible: pitch dark, foggy, altitude of 1,800m (5,000ft). I wanted no more than 60sec of exposure, max, to avoid digital noise. But a car takes a few minutes to climb or descend this section of the road. The fog was dense and blocking the view! Suddenly the fog cleared, a few cars went down, others went up, they met in the middle in under 60sec... Painting done!
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Kostadin Luchansky)

Lightning Strike NY Harbor.
This shot was captured during a major electrical storm. There was little wind and no rain which allowed me to stay safely insideand shoot from an open window. This was the 82nd exposure out of 150 made that night. The camera was mounted on a tripod, exposures made with a cable release for 5 seconds at f10. Except for a some minor level adjustments and a square crop this was what came out of the camera.
(Photo courtesy of The 2010 National Geographic Photo Contest/Jay Fine)

A supercell thunderstorm rolls across the Montana prairie at sunset.
Nice blog.nice pics.