Have you ever had a day where you woke up to your mum's scream of 'Wake up and make up your room before I get there!' And if yo don't you get one hell of scolding and a tonne of other housework? Man...housework. Chores. Cleaning the house. Whatever the name is, it is still down to doing work in order to clean!!!!!
I hate housework. But honestly, I can't live in filth. Some people love cleaning, yet one day bring in so much filth into the house. At this point you may realise I'm talking on double meaning terms. Sometimes, it's not tnough. I clean everyday, yet something still feels not right. Look, I don't mind cleanig, I mean I'm a good girl, I perform my duties, but when the household is being shared, lets just say I want the housework to be shared too. I may live in a mess, as in my room may be messy with books everywhere, but I on't live in filth! For heavens sake, I realised after some recent experience, some people actually can live in such filth.
Cleaning is actually good, not only in ensures cockroaches and worms are not in the house, it is also a form of killing time and stress. People complain they are bored, yet nobody has ever thought if cleaning while being bored. Studying 24/7, ain't a good idea, but while resting, instead of facebook-ing or doing something stupid, you can sweep and mop. Come on people, it cant be so hard. Dont be lazy and appoint a maid. In my opinion, you are responsible for your mess and filth, So clean it yourself!!!
I do my chores every morning. I sweep, mop and God knows what else. It has sort off become my routine, thanks to my brother. I can't stand the floor being dirty, so I sweep daily. Yes, they are times I get so bored of it, I complain, I nag, yet I still do the work, although I just took my bath. The point of taking your bath is also to clean yourself, but that cant stop you from not getting dirty again. A man who cant do housework deserves no respect in my opinion, let along a woman who cant do housework. A man's work is never ever done when it comes to chores!
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