
Friday, December 24, 2010

Dear History......Love Bunga

Dear History,

How are you? I hope you are fine. Lately, I have been reading a lot about you in the papers. Looks like things ar not so good for you. Well who can blame you? You were made such. Years of studying you, I always knew you were unfair. But then, my voice was just too small to be heard. I mean, I am no doctor or Dato' to say 'Hey, the syllabus is unfair, and some facts are not right'. All I could do was just shake my head in agreement and listen to all.

Honestly, I loved you. That's why regardless of your imperfections, I really did well. Well many others did well too, but not all remember everything, at least mostly till today, 2 years after completing you. I do. And that is because I love History. In my opinion, history is something that is very sacred and divine. You can change everything in life, from your spouse to your looks (thanks plastic surgery), but then again, you cant change your history. It remains as a fact for as long as man shall wander on Earth.

It is really sad to see how people just use you for their benefits. Honestly people, the act of tampering with History to create an illusionary belief on us, the future of the country on you is just ridiculous. I mean, if that's just who you are, why can't you accept it? Why must we go on chanting 1 Malaysia in all possible languages available but then be ashamed to say that people of different ethnic groups also helped in our country's Independence? Now, who are you cheating? Me or you? Living a lie doesn't make you look powerful, for when the truth surfaces you will look bad. I meant this to the people who using you, dear history.

It doesn't matter, if you were written by people of the same ethnic, but then again, the people who wrote you are graduates who have definitely studied some basic of moral, and would know how to not be biased towards certain group. But then again, with a sigh I shall say, I have no comments. Maybe they are just living up to the slogan Malaysia Boleh!

Well, I hope things turn out fine for you. No students have been through their secondary years without complaining about the unfairness. We know the truth once we set foot into university. This mockery is just getting nobody anywhere, as those who only stop at their F5 education really don't care about education let along History, and those who further their studies just know the truth. So yeah.

May things turn out better for you fast.
