Honestly, I don't get it why people love to have headphones hanging on them all the time! It's like, a vital organ which is part of their body and without it they will become MAD! OK. I'm not against this but PLEASE! It's totally alright having headphones on while you're alone for you might be so bloody bored with nature to take notice of it. But when you're with a friend and have that silly wire on, it's rude. Are you telling that your friend is actually such a boring person that you have to have that thing on you? Well, as it is already rude enough to have earphones when you are with a friend, I think it is bloody rude to have earphones on during a class or when somebody is giving a speech. Imagine you are a teacher, lecturing and a student is looking at you with earphones on! Yes, he might be the type who can kill two birds with a stone, but the perception he gives to the outside world is 'You're boring and I'm so not interested!' Is this how we want our students to be?
And then comes another party claiming prolonged or extensive usage of headphones is bad for health as it can cause hearing impairment. Yet we see an increase of headphones being used! What is this? Negative x negative makes a positive? It's funny how some complain that a noisy surrounding makes it difficult for them to study, yet it is them who use headphones! Ironic isn't it? Some blast the volume to the maximum until the person standing a metre away could hear the song clearly! It is no wonder that teenagers nowadays do not understand instructions as they are becoming deaf!
Headphones while jogging! Wow! How brilliant can one be?! The reason God gave us the ability to hear is so that we can use that extra sense to be alert of our surroundings! Have you ever thought of the fact that while jogging you could be kidnapped or harmed? And while the attacker is creeping behind you, you are too busy listening to 'Boom Boom Pow'! Good! Being unaware of your surroundings, you can now sing all the songs while you are gagged and tied up or hurt on the hospital bed!
It amazes me to think of the fact that modern people who are so advanced in technology have stopped thinking of the simple rationale of life! As I said earlier, I'm not against headphones. It is wise to use it when you are ALONE in the crowd but not when you are with COMPANY in the crowd!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
A Tribute to Yasmin Ahmad

Just as Michael Jackson's death rocked the world a few weeks a go, now another death in the entertainment industry rocks Malaysia. Yasmin Ahmad, the famous director and producer passed away yesterday night at 11.25 pm at the Damansara Specialist Hospital. She died of entensive bleeding in her brain. She suffered a stroke and had collapsed on Thursday while presenting some paperwork in Sri Pentas (TV3).
She was the best director Malaysians had ever seen when it comes to capturing the true essence of Malaysia. She portrayed it all very well in her movies and advertisements. She was actually already on her way of making 1Malaysia via the film industry. Among her movies which were hearth-warming and with true Malaysian qualities were Gubra, Sepet and Talentime.
A talented lady she was, always making me look forward for the festivals where she brings warm smiles to all the hearts of Malaysians with her very touching advertisements.
A woman who looked at the film industry as a creative industry and brought it out widely. She brought many Malaysians closer by heart and made us realise how important unity is.
A great loss she is, to our nation and film industry, but I hope the younger generation will continue her legacy!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A Special Dedication to Wing Kee
Yo Wing Kee!!! I'm In college actually...but just dropped by at the library to write something special about you. You've been a wonderful friend and company in L6S3...Always there to share all the funny stories. Falling asleep together when Maths and Physics were beyond our comprehensible level..Sharing our live stories at the corridor...Disturbing mother and father and Kuhan...Hehe...Great times huh?
Now, I'm alone here...There are new friends but as you said, it's difficult to find friends like you have in secondary school and high school. I miss mother...father..Kuhan...Seahpei...Long time never see the cute guy d...Here no cute guys le...so sad...Hehe...Anyway;
Now, I'm alone here...There are new friends but as you said, it's difficult to find friends like you have in secondary school and high school. I miss mother...father..Kuhan...Seahpei...Long time never see the cute guy d...Here no cute guys le...so sad...Hehe...Anyway;
Wing Kee...Since it's your birthday, i wana wish you good luck in everything you do...May you always find happiness and do well in life!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Thinking Out of the Box
So today, I had my first lesson with my school principal, Mr. Maslan... He is a guy who seriously thinks out of the box. Well, it's quite true. We all need to do that. Get out of our comfort zone,
It isnt that difficult, but taking into account the fact that our students have been spoon-fed since Standard 1 till Form 5, does make it a little difficult to have a sudden change. While studying in school for eleven years, students are mould to be timid, scared of voicing out their opinions and not strive for their rights. They are only taught to absorb what they are taught, like a sponge. The practice of using the WH questions is only carried out in exams, that is during writing essays. Besides that, it's just pure absorption. What has hapenned to EQ and SQ?
We hear students scoring zillions of As in their SPM examinations, yet after that glorious victory many fail to realise that we never hear of them doing so well in univercities after that! Now, isn't that something to ponder upon? Where do these creams end up? I fully support our Deputy Prime Minister's move, to limit the number of subjects that can be taken for the SPM examinations. Kudos to you, Sir!
Why do we need to take so many subjects? I'm very sure you cant be studying all of that subjects when get into the University. Or is ti because our students are just confused on what course they should pursue later on in life? Maybe, we are only producing a generation of confused scholars who have a very good memory power but fail to perform as a first class citizen. And with these, born are the Cut-&-Paste students, born are the students who are not independant enough to find information, born are the students who epect oppurtunities to come knocking their doors.
My principal did say on how he had the oppurtunity to talk to a CEO of a company and had asked in the criterias looked for when hiring a staff. Vibrant, brave and vocal candidates were his choice. When asked on whether public local graduates are better or private graduates are better. And guess what? Many prefer graduate froms the local private universities than the public universities. What is this? Private grads are more vocal and brave to voice out their opinions unlike the latter.
It is time for a paradigm shift. Pak Lah has said that 'We have 1st class modenisation but with 3rd class mentality'. Now, as responsible citizens, we have to prove ourselves to the world. Adapt a change. If the West can be inventors, why cant we? If the East are so hard-working, why cant we? As Malaysians we have to be the best among the best.
Yes, we are a growing nation, both socially and economically, but we have great histories and legacies to be proud of, and having them as our guide, we should progress forward, both for the betterment of our future and our nation!!!
It isnt that difficult, but taking into account the fact that our students have been spoon-fed since Standard 1 till Form 5, does make it a little difficult to have a sudden change. While studying in school for eleven years, students are mould to be timid, scared of voicing out their opinions and not strive for their rights. They are only taught to absorb what they are taught, like a sponge. The practice of using the WH questions is only carried out in exams, that is during writing essays. Besides that, it's just pure absorption. What has hapenned to EQ and SQ?
We hear students scoring zillions of As in their SPM examinations, yet after that glorious victory many fail to realise that we never hear of them doing so well in univercities after that! Now, isn't that something to ponder upon? Where do these creams end up? I fully support our Deputy Prime Minister's move, to limit the number of subjects that can be taken for the SPM examinations. Kudos to you, Sir!
Why do we need to take so many subjects? I'm very sure you cant be studying all of that subjects when get into the University. Or is ti because our students are just confused on what course they should pursue later on in life? Maybe, we are only producing a generation of confused scholars who have a very good memory power but fail to perform as a first class citizen. And with these, born are the Cut-&-Paste students, born are the students who are not independant enough to find information, born are the students who epect oppurtunities to come knocking their doors.
My principal did say on how he had the oppurtunity to talk to a CEO of a company and had asked in the criterias looked for when hiring a staff. Vibrant, brave and vocal candidates were his choice. When asked on whether public local graduates are better or private graduates are better. And guess what? Many prefer graduate froms the local private universities than the public universities. What is this? Private grads are more vocal and brave to voice out their opinions unlike the latter.
It is time for a paradigm shift. Pak Lah has said that 'We have 1st class modenisation but with 3rd class mentality'. Now, as responsible citizens, we have to prove ourselves to the world. Adapt a change. If the West can be inventors, why cant we? If the East are so hard-working, why cant we? As Malaysians we have to be the best among the best.
Yes, we are a growing nation, both socially and economically, but we have great histories and legacies to be proud of, and having them as our guide, we should progress forward, both for the betterment of our future and our nation!!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
It Runs In The Family
I took a picture of myself recently and asked my friend Kavita@Park to have a look. Well, it’s not like she has not seen me before, but its just I changed my hairstyle and the attire I wore in that photo was something nobody would usually see me in. to my shock, all she said was, “What is this? I can only see your NOSE!”
Imagine my shock to hear somebody say that to you when all you were looking for was for some praises on maybe, your hair looks good or you look sexy! I asked her what she meant and her reply was, “your nose is so big that that is the only thing I can really see in this picture of yours”
That’s it. No more talking to Park for insulting me like that. However, its not only Park who has been picking on my nose being so big, another friend of mine does the same too. Every time we get into an argument, the only thing he would say is “Shut up, Big Nose”.
Well, I did not ask for that but it just runs in my family. My mom has the same nose like mine. Even all my cousins do! Once, I was in the hospital taking care of my aunt who was sick, a friend of my cousin showed up and he managed to guess I’m her cousin by just saying we look alike. Ok, I’m no fool, but my cousin and I don’t look alike at all! It’s like she is snow and I’m fire, or maybe she’s Johor and I’m Perlis. We are just the total opposite! After doing some thinking, I got it. Our nose. Though we are cousins and my mum and her mum are siblings, with God’s grace or whatever you would call it, all five of us, I mean me and my four cousins have the same nose, a big nose! To make it better, all my mum’s six sisters and her dad has the same kind of nose.
Gosh, it really runs in the family. My mum used to tell me that when she was small, most Penangites will recognize the seven sisters by their nose. Now I know why my cousins and I are being recognized the same way, it just runs in the family!
But, I’m confused, for some people really admire my nose saying you have a very beautiful nose, it’s sharp and long and makes you look more beautiful. Hmmm…two theories, either they really mean what they say or they are just being sarcastic!
Another thing that I would say as running in the family is our voices. We have this loud and shrilling voice which can be heard three houses away. Maybe I exaggerated, I have the loud and shrilling voice, and the others just have loud voices. When my family has a gathering its difficult to know if we are fighting or just having a normal conversation. I mean, there’s no difference! Everybody talks so loud that even if you are in Alice Wonderland, you’ll wake up having a bad headache.
Surprisingly, I get scolding for this too. My dad always reprimands my mum and I for talking loudly when we cook. One day, I was three houses away from mine when I heard my dad’s voice talking, so clearly. For a moment, my friend and I were mortified thinking there was some problem at home, so she stayed where she was and I proceeded to my house to check what was going on. He was on the phone talking to his friend at the dining area, and yet, my friend could still hear his voice! So much for me and my mum talking very loud!
I always get scolding in tuition for talking very loudly. Sometimes even when I whisper, I’m accused for making noise. So unfair! But, the loud voice got me participating in the Malay debate and got the Best Speaker Award! To make it better, having this voice gave me the Head of Discipline in my school’s prefectorial board! Cool isn’t it?
Well, talking very loud could be annoying but for my family, it’s just who we are. And having a big nose may make you like a weirdo, but that’s what will define us and keeps us as a family.
Imagine my shock to hear somebody say that to you when all you were looking for was for some praises on maybe, your hair looks good or you look sexy! I asked her what she meant and her reply was, “your nose is so big that that is the only thing I can really see in this picture of yours”
That’s it. No more talking to Park for insulting me like that. However, its not only Park who has been picking on my nose being so big, another friend of mine does the same too. Every time we get into an argument, the only thing he would say is “Shut up, Big Nose”.
Well, I did not ask for that but it just runs in my family. My mom has the same nose like mine. Even all my cousins do! Once, I was in the hospital taking care of my aunt who was sick, a friend of my cousin showed up and he managed to guess I’m her cousin by just saying we look alike. Ok, I’m no fool, but my cousin and I don’t look alike at all! It’s like she is snow and I’m fire, or maybe she’s Johor and I’m Perlis. We are just the total opposite! After doing some thinking, I got it. Our nose. Though we are cousins and my mum and her mum are siblings, with God’s grace or whatever you would call it, all five of us, I mean me and my four cousins have the same nose, a big nose! To make it better, all my mum’s six sisters and her dad has the same kind of nose.
Gosh, it really runs in the family. My mum used to tell me that when she was small, most Penangites will recognize the seven sisters by their nose. Now I know why my cousins and I are being recognized the same way, it just runs in the family!
But, I’m confused, for some people really admire my nose saying you have a very beautiful nose, it’s sharp and long and makes you look more beautiful. Hmmm…two theories, either they really mean what they say or they are just being sarcastic!
Another thing that I would say as running in the family is our voices. We have this loud and shrilling voice which can be heard three houses away. Maybe I exaggerated, I have the loud and shrilling voice, and the others just have loud voices. When my family has a gathering its difficult to know if we are fighting or just having a normal conversation. I mean, there’s no difference! Everybody talks so loud that even if you are in Alice Wonderland, you’ll wake up having a bad headache.
Surprisingly, I get scolding for this too. My dad always reprimands my mum and I for talking loudly when we cook. One day, I was three houses away from mine when I heard my dad’s voice talking, so clearly. For a moment, my friend and I were mortified thinking there was some problem at home, so she stayed where she was and I proceeded to my house to check what was going on. He was on the phone talking to his friend at the dining area, and yet, my friend could still hear his voice! So much for me and my mum talking very loud!
I always get scolding in tuition for talking very loudly. Sometimes even when I whisper, I’m accused for making noise. So unfair! But, the loud voice got me participating in the Malay debate and got the Best Speaker Award! To make it better, having this voice gave me the Head of Discipline in my school’s prefectorial board! Cool isn’t it?
Well, talking very loud could be annoying but for my family, it’s just who we are. And having a big nose may make you like a weirdo, but that’s what will define us and keeps us as a family.
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